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it is a sick world out there!

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lame plumber

News of the atrocities in Paris is so sad, it is a pity different folks just cant live together on this planet peacefully
been reading it all night,killing people for what?a lack of intelligence or some belief in religion,FFS innocents suffering again makes me sick to my stomach and appalled at the acts of humans against each other
The world is a mad place.
Almost surreal whats happening
I wonder where well be in 5 years time after the austerity cuts to the police and intelligence services
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Sadly you can't negotiate with them.
I always think after these events about how human minds can be manipulated to want to do this. I can understand the revenge thought most people can have, but against innocent people?
Haven't seen it or readabout it, but with the influxof ''REFUGEES'' from so called Islamic states, how do you go about sorting out who is a genuine refugee or who is an ISSIS member? Even if refugees soon need passports as lame suggests, it won't stop them. In another 3-5 years (or sooner) once they have ''settled'' here and in Europe, all HELL will be unleashed. Sad as it may sound, but truth is: It's not whether it's going to happen, it's when?
They are here already, just waiting for the right moment to strike, that's the problem with having a open door policy, area's of the uk now that you feel a stranger in and are not safe to be in, it wont be long B4 what has happened in Paris happens here.
They are here already, just waiting for the right moment to strike, that's the problem with having a open door policy, area's of the uk now that you feel a stranger in and are not safe to be in, it wont be long B4 what has happened in Paris happens here.

I disagree. France has had a long and violent history with her ex-colonies. Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Sudan to name but a very few. When they gained independence ex-subjects were permitted to immigrate to France and we're treated with huge hostility.

There have been decades of simmering resentment and hatred, with frequent violent eruptions. A perfect witches brew for Islamists to exploit. For all the racial problems we have in Britain, we are a LOT better integrated here. I don't think the Islamist threat is anywhere as great.
There have been decades of simmering resentment and hatred, with frequent violent eruptions. A perfect witches brew for Islamists to exploit. For all the racial problems we have in Britain, we are a LOT better integrated here. I don't think the Islamist threat is anywhere as great.[/QUOTE]

Wait and see !! people forget too soon, We have had Bombings here, Do you honestly think it is going to stop in France, ?????
Just a word of caution here.

To combat an enemy, you have to understand what his goals are, and work out a strategy to frustrate him.

Much as it is tempting to think otherwise, these attacks are not the work of mindless thugs. They are carefully crafted and executed by intelligent and capable people to acheive a certain set of goals.

They do not expect to destroy western democracy through these acts. They don't have the power to do that. What they are trying to do, is to get US to destroy western democracy. Every extra border check, every new requirement to present ID, every restriction of movement, every divided city, every hate-filled FB post, is another brick in that wall.

They also want to radicalise their home populations. Most people in the middle east are just like most people anywhere - they want to bring up their kids in safety and security. They also like the products and comforts that the capitalist lifestyle offers, which frightens the hell out of the radicals. So a large part of their agenda lies in taunting the west to take any action which will gain them support in their home communities. They WANT us to kill their civilian population with airstrikes, because every dead body recruits a mini army of vengeful sons, brothers and uncles.

So yes, we have to tackle this issue, but not with knee-jerk reactions.
There have been decades of simmering resentment and hatred, with frequent violent eruptions. A perfect witches brew for Islamists to exploit. For all the racial problems we have in Britain, we are a LOT better integrated here. I don't think the Islamist threat is anywhere as great.

Wait and see !! people forget too soon, We have had Bombings here, Do you honestly think it is going to stop in France, ?????

We have had one set of bombings carried out by islamists. A couple of attempts (Richard Reid and the ones who boarded planes with chemicals in water bottles). France has had regular attacks through the past 50 years or more. The situations and histories are very very different.
Find it hard to comment on such wilful disrespect for human life and for what, nothing!
Just a word of caution here.

To combat an enemy, you have to understand what his goals are, and work out a strategy to frustrate him.

Much as it is tempting to think otherwise, these attacks are not the work of mindless thugs. They are carefully crafted and executed by intelligent and capable people to acheive a certain set of goals.

They do not expect to destroy western democracy through these acts. They don't have the power to do that. What they are trying to do, is to get US to destroy western democracy. Every extra border check, every new requirement to present ID, every restriction of movement, every divided city, every hate-filled FB post, is another brick in that wall.

They also want to radicalise their home populations. Most people in the middle east are just like most people anywhere - they want to bring up their kids in safety and security. They also like the products and comforts that the capitalist lifestyle offers, which frightens the hell out of the radicals. So a large part of their agenda lies in taunting the west to take any action which will gain them support in their home communities. They WANT us to kill their civilian population with airstrikes, because every dead body recruits a mini army of vengeful sons, brothers and uncles.

So yes, we have to tackle this issue, but not with knee-jerk reactions.

Where's the Like button gone! In fact it deserves a "Like x 1000" button just for this post...
I disagree. France has had a long and violent history with her ex-colonies. Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Sudan to name but a very few. When they gained independence ex-subjects were permitted to immigrate to France and we're treated with huge hostility.

There have been decades of simmering resentment and hatred, with frequent violent eruptions. A perfect witches brew for Islamists to exploit. For all the racial problems we have in Britain, we are a LOT better integrated here. I don't think the Islamist threat is anywhere as great.

I thought Sudan was British?

And whilst I agree with your wider point about the state of race-relations in France, I fear you may underestimate the potential for violence here.

It doesn't take many, and its not normally difficult to find some manipulable young man to carry out an act of violence if you can convince him its in a good cause.
I thought Sudan was British?

From 1880 to 1960 Sudan was a French colony, part of the French West Afriacn federation. Most of Africa and the Middle East as well as a lot of southern Europe has been under the occupation of various empires, and they've changed hands quite often too!

And whilst I agree with your wider point about the state of race-relations in France, I fear you may underestimate the potential for violence here.

It doesn't take many, and its not normally difficult to find some manipulable young man to carry out an act of violence if you can convince him its in a good cause.

I agree totally - it only takes one and there are many impressionable and gullible young men and women to choose from. Witness the girls running off to Syria to become jihadi brides. However I feel that french colonial history has a different emotional depth to the British one. Radicalisation in the UK Muslim community just "feels" different to that in France.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm not, but French North African communities just seem angrier and more aggressive than British Muslim communities...
just when I was ending my time in the RN, the soviet union crumbled, the world went hurrah and all out intelligence folk started to warn of the mayhem that would soon follow as there was no massive cotrolling influence left to help keep the likes of Gaddaffi and saddam and the like under control anymore. They warned we wouldnt have a principal target to pressurise by using our nuclear might and large armies against, but most of all they warned that we shouldnt sit back on our laurels and let the armed forces become a small player as the terrorists would learn that we no longer had the will to defend ourselves. Only taken some 20 years for it all to come true...................
From 1880 to 1960 Sudan was a French colony, part of the French West Afriacn federation.

Are we talking about the same place Mas? Sudan isn't in West Africa, its in North East Africa, just south of Egypt. It was administered by the British from 1898 (Battle of Omdurman) up to independence in 1956.
we will be deluding ourselves if we think it won't happen here in the UK. In as much as it will not be in the scale and consistency of France, it still will happen. Sad but true. As always, it's the ordinary man going about his/her daily business who gets tp ''pay the price''.
No Overpricing please. Leave W&Co as is:) Besides, my local plumbing merchant (I will not name) are not too pleased with me, so 8months ago, they sat me down and said: ''OK, we know you say W&Co give you better deals. In as much as we can't match their Ideal boiler deals, we promise to match their WB deals. If you let us know anytime you have a WB boiler to fit, we will match whatever W&Co are selling them for''.
No Overpricing please. Leave W&Co as is:) Besides, my local plumbing merchant (I will not name) are not too pleased with me, so 8months ago, they sat me down and said: ''OK, we know you say W&Co give you better deals. In as much as we can't match their Ideal boiler deals, we promise to match their WB deals. If you let us know anytime you have a WB boiler to fit, we will match whatever W&Co are selling them for''.

that isnt a cheery threat for some on here
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