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Rotating soil pipe tee embedded in subfloor

Discuss Rotating soil pipe tee embedded in subfloor in the Bathrooms, Showers and Wetrooms area at



Hey, I'll start by saying I'll be getting a plumber out to do this but wanted some advice first. We're redoing our ground floor bathroom this year and want to move the toilet to another wall as part of that. I've cracked open the boxing around the old toilet today to see what's going on behind there, pictures attached showing where the toilet and shower waste meet the soil pipe. We have a townhouse so the soil pipe runs 2 floors above this bathroom too, boxed in throughout the inside of the house.

I know this is hard to guage online but from my understanding it's sometimes possible to rotate push fit soil pipe connectors if you're lucky and they've not been solvent sealed or haven't stuck themselves in place over the years. As you can see from my picture the actual boss tee is going straight into the concrete subfloor rather than into a visible connector to exit the house, I'm guessing it wouldn't be wise just trying to turn this in place given where it connects to the pipe below can't be seen and even if it did turn could come loose without knowing?

In this case what would the plumber need to do and how far under the concrete would the connector be?

No pictures ?

Sorry, not used this forum before and couldn't see the button to add any. Had to wait for the post to be verified then before I could do anything! Imgur link below as can't see a button to direct upload


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You would have to replace the tee but it should be doable
You would have to replace the tee but it should be doable

Is that because the current one would need to be cut out instead of rotated in place? I'm just wondering if they'd need to get the subfloor up around the bottom of the tee in order to actually reconnect a new one to the pipe exiting the house.... It doesn't look visible at the moment.
It’s mainly because of the boss eg pipe into the side of it might hit a wall / needed to be capped off etc

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