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Gurgling toilets and slow draining bath.

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I’ve got a new build that’s approx 3 years old.
A couple of weeks ago the downstairs toilet started gurgling due to the water level in the bowl being low. I plunged it and that seemed to allow the water level to rise (although still not as high as I would expect).
Recently however I’ve started to have issues in the en-suite which is directly above the downstairs toilet.
The en-suite toilet is slow to flush away, the basin next to it is fine but the bath next along is also slow to drain.
When the bath drains the basin gurgles and initially bubbles were coming up in the toilet.
I’ve used chemicals and plunged everything and have found no obvious blockages yet.
I’ve also rodded both toilets and again found no blockages.
The toilet no longer bubbles but it’s still slow to drain and the basin still gurgles when emptying the bath.
The toilet bowl water level still rise and fall in time to me plunging the bath.

One other thing is that I’ve found the air stack in the loft space and removing the AAV cap seems to solve the issue.
I’ve got another bathroom at the other end of the house and that’s all OK.

Next step was to remove the sealant to get to the bath trap but before I did that I wondered if there was any guidance or advice someone more knowledgable than me would be able to give.

Thanks in advance.
The AAV isn't solving the issue.
You have a partial blockage in the drain somewhere either at the bottom of the drain stack outside or elsewhere underground.
Check outside for inspection chamber covers, depending on your skill level you may have to call someone in.
The best plunger is an old fashioned string mop, the hydraulic traction you can build up is awesome. Wet up and work vigorously up and down in the toilet pan. I would also lift the manhole cover outside have a hosepipe connected and ready CHK
Sorted thanks to you guys.
Rather than spend time chasing my tail trying to find a non existent block inside the house I used LocalHero and got someone in.
He lifted the drain cover in the driveway and showed me the blockage at the junction of four soil pipes.
whilst I initially felt bad paying someone to basically just hose the blockage away at least I took the opportunity to understand how the plumbing works so will have a go myself if it happens again.

Again thanks for all your input. Saved me from a weekend of smelly pain!
Sorted thanks to you guys.
Rather than spend time chasing my tail trying to find a non existent block inside the house I used LocalHero and got someone in.
He lifted the drain cover in the driveway and showed me the blockage at the junction of four soil pipes.
whilst I initially felt bad paying someone to basically just hose the blockage away at least I took the opportunity to understand how the plumbing works so will have a go myself if it happens again.

Again thanks for all your input. Saved me from a weekend of smelly pain!
You wasted your money, all utilities have to assume responsibility for shared drains and would have cleared a shared drain for nothing. You never told us this. Centralheatking

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