
  1. R

    help with flush pip

    Hi ,I was wondering if anyone can help me sauce a flush pipe ,I bought a new back to wall unit which included an enclosed cistern ,when the plumber went to fit it he found the flush pipe to be cracked ,I have tried to sauce one locally but everywhere says it is an unusual size .I bought it from...
  2. W

    Ever used a restorer for cracked sink?

    I know you can get repair kits but I'm not very good at fine and dainty things. Cracked a basin fairly badly trying to bust off some taps installed by satan himself. It's basically still in one piece with one small chip missing but a long serious of cracks down one side. It's an unusual...
  3. L

    Cracked private sewer pipe.

    I've recently been doing a bit of work for my Mother, for quite some time now the rear garden has been damp, to the point where nothing will grow as the earth is soaking. It appeared that the private sewer that runs under our patio has cracked so I've dug down and located it, thing is I wasn't...
  4. P

    cracked cistern

    i have a cistern that has developed a hairline crack right down the back. the water is seeping out, at the rate of about 10 drips a day!! i want to have a go at sealing the crack before doing the obvious and replacing it. any suggestions as to what i could use? my first thoughts were silicone...
  5. D

    Cracked soil pvc pipe in concrete. Help! Please!

    Hi i'm renovating my house and i've managed to crack the 4" soil pipe that i want to connect into. As it's in concrete and it goes right across the house i don't want to disturb everything else. Is there a way of repairing it in place at all? I had thought some sort of mastic might do it, but...
  6. W

    Pwr shwr job just got bigger, cracked bath!

    I am fitting a power shower, and whilst working at the head of the bath I took extreme caution when standing in the bath (very thick sheets in bottom of the bath etc... BUT my wife has just pointed out a crack in the bath! Its a fibre glass bath, and whilst the acrylic interior finish has an...
  7. 3

    Cracked Oil Tank

    My oil tank (Titan) has a few cracks along the top. The ground it is sitting on has subsided at one end due to moles and dropped causing the cracks in the middle. Contacted Titan and they will not replace as it is not a manufacturing problem. A plumber friend whom I have worked with as a mate...