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Change the trend!

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Staff member
I've noticed (and we've had quite a few complaints regarding it) that the forum has somehow created a small trend of slating customers doing their own jobs, other tradesmen asking for advice when they're not plumbers, people asking about training courses and advice on how to get into the plumbing trade, and even new plumbers being knocked-down somewhat.

I could pull up posts to back my findings, and mention names of repeat offenders. But I want to give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't mean to be offensive or cause harm in any way.

Though now I've noted this, I want this to change.

There's a simple BE NICE rule in the forum rules that you've all agreed to. If you can't be nice to a member and help them out, don't reply to the thread.

I'll give it a day or two for people to get chance to read this message, and then I'll personally see that I take action against anybody offending other members, or breaking the rules.

Out of the three main popular forums we run, this is the least, and I can see why now I've spent a bit of time here going through some of the more recent threads.

It's a shame that a small number of members can have a such a big impact on a forum, but this place is a community-driven website and without people chipping in nicely, it can go downhill quickly.

Though I'd be quite happy to get rid of that small number of members and make the forum a nicer place for all those who do want to use it within the forum rules.

If you have any questions then please do respond to clear them up, you could end up getting your account removed permanently if you don't understand what I've said and do continue to break the forum 'Be Nice' rule.

Thanks to all for reading this, thanks to the nice members for being nice to others, and to those that are not so nice, take this as a warning, there will be no others.


Oh, and the way to go about reporting a post that is offensive towards you is to click the report post icon which is in each post, which looks like this:

Responding to an offensive post directly within a thread yourself is just as costly moderation time wise as those that originally offended. So please DO NOT respond to anything offensive, and certainly don't agree with them as you too could end up having restrictions placed on your account.

Clearly this isn't something we just like doing, but it is something that does need doing. And it's all to simply keep the forum an attractive place to newer members as possible.
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glad you've brought it up dan, don't use this forum nearly as much as I would like due to certain individuals. To be honest I actually think it's improved in the past year
glad you've brought it up dan, don't use this forum nearly as much as I would like due to certain individuals. To be honest I actually think it's improved in the past year

This is a great forum John and we will not let a few members spoil it for
others..So trust us when we say we will remove those offending members if they continue.
As a paying sponsor of this forum ********* would like to acknowledge Dans stance on this. Whilst we also promote healthy debate, freedom of speech and alternative points of views we condone this sort of behaviour.

The forums are a healthy way to share experiences (good & bad) and an enjoyable way to share information and ideas.

Lets keep to the ideas in Dans message above.

if anyone has any issues or cause for concern to any posts or members attitudes and replies to threads, send a p.m. to any of the mod team and we will look into it as soon as possible to investigate any situation.

unless theese issues are pointed out quickly they can be overlooked or missed completely untill they esculate.
you, as members are our eyes in all corners of the forums. help us help you.

we are trying our very best to make this site a happy, freindly one for all, so we can log on after a hard days graft leaving all the morons back in the yard and learning as we are enjoying the benefits of what this site gives us.

I also use the site much less because of being on the 'receiving end'. It seems there are some who really don't understand the meaning of the word 'discussion'. There IS a real problem here though in that none of the above addresses the problem of queries we often get from people who want to overstretch their complete lack of ability and do something that would either be dangerous to persons or property. Perhaps these should be referred to moderators for response.
I also use the site much less because of being on the 'receiving end'. It seems there are some who really don't understand the meaning of the word 'discussion'. There IS a real problem here though in that none of the above addresses the problem of queries we often get from people who want to overstretch their complete lack of ability and do something that would either be dangerous to persons or property. Perhaps these should be referred to moderators for response.

Anybody can discuss that a member should not be undertaking a certain thing.. but there is also a proper way to put this across and not abusively, that is all we mean.. keep it friendly and members will keep their accounts.. simple as really..:)
I have to admit after being on the tilersforum for some time now the vibe here is different. I appreciate its hard sometimes to gauge or interpret how things are intended but some of the replies to some questions i cringe at.

I can totally understand when someone has paid lots of money for training etc to learn their trade and someone wants to have a go themselves its hard to not tell them to leave it alone, but somehow we acheive this on the tilersforum very easily. I say 'we' as a collective as thats how i see the forum its 'us' giving advise and we give the advise and encouragement that is required as thats part of being a member. If someone posts a question on something i cant have a useful input on then i simply dont post.

What some people have to remember is that questions posted are from people who maybe cant afford a plumbers call out, or have no concept of how much it will cost, they come on and ask a question only to get berated by certain members.

I hope those that this is aimed at will act differently and make the forum a better place :)
Please always click the report post icon on any offending posts guys. Without you lot telling us when you're on the receiving end, we often miss the problem and that's when we loose the odd member - not what we want at all.

So we need YOU to click the buttons! :)

Again, the report post icon looks like this:
I think this is a great stance to take. there's been a few times i've wanted to politely point out the error of someone's ways but have refrained because they're getting a flaming from other posters. so i've kept me gob firmly shut!

Ok some guys want to take the quick fix route to becoming a plumber, it's their money, their decision at the end of the day. they put up a post asking for advice. all we should be doing is pointing out the realities of life.

But yeah Dan. Good one. solidly behind you on this mate.

Just in case anyone throws anything!
Anybody can discuss that a member should not be undertaking a certain thing.. but there is also a proper way to put this across and not abusively, that is all we mean.. keep it friendly and members will keep their accounts.. simple as really..:)

I agree and that was not the point I was trying to make. The fact is that most of the abuse I have seen has been directed against diy'ers who come on claiming to know more than they do. You don't see it against those who come on with a genuine crie de couer, and rarely against us professionals unless we are unluckly enough to touch someone's sacred cow.
I agree and that was not the point I was trying to make. The fact is that most of the abuse I have seen has been directed against diy'ers who come on claiming to know more than they do. You don't see it against those who come on with a genuine crie de couer, and rarely against us professionals unless we are unluckly enough to touch someone's sacred cow.

If a DIYer comes on claiming more than they know, you can only suggest the correct way and move onto another thread. Give the DIYers the benefit of the doubt, they probably wont know it all so you'll soon enough be able to help them in a polite way.

Though if you do see even just the one post from a professional that's knocking back a DIYer in an impolite way, then the post needs reporting and the offending member will be warned only once before they have their account removed.
I hope you'll permit me to add my appreciation on the etiquette you are proposing!! I agree entirely.

Might I suggest that as part of a new subscriber's introduction email you add a paragraph asking people to say "Thank you" for some help they might need in the future? I find it frustrating to spend up to half an hour writing up a fairly detailed response to someone's query and then find that the original poster does not say a sausage. On the other hand, when someone shows appreciation, it doesn't half go down like a silky pint of ale.

As a point of interest (or maybe not of interest!) it intrigues me as to how many people ask how to do a particular job "For my grannie" or "my neighbour" or whoever and when you look up that poster's messages you find they're a brand new plumber in disguise. I feel this is where the contempt (if that's the right word) is with some of the more established plumbers. If these (new to plumbing) posters were honest in saying they were new to the trade I feel they'd receive much more helpful advice. We all have to start somewhere and even the oldies had to at some stage (just like driving).

I also think plumbing cannot be compared to tiling or electrics as it is such a diverse trade (taps to boilers to zone valves to baths to guttering etc, etc) so there will be a range of opinions on how to do a job. I think this is reflected in the answers on the forums from the more experience to the newer people.

Reading the above sounds a little negative - in truth though, this site has been of great help to me and provided me with a few laughs (especially from Puddle and ironic as my nickname at school was piddle). I really hope this site continues and goes from strength to strength and I'm sure the rogue posters will fall by the wayside eventually.

Time to put the kettle on ...
Reading through some of the threads I wonder why some people behave so badly nowaday (?) Perhaps in a modern way of living they rush in every aspect and not having time to say thanks!
I agree with Dan that we should be nice to each other and what would it cost to be so?
With best regards
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